Our story @willdabeast @MissJanelleG- #beBOLDbeYOU

Our story @willdabeast @MissJanelleG- #beBOLDbeYOU

This video depicts something so close to my heart, the documentation — via dance, naturally 😉 — of the evolution and creation of mine & Janelle Ginestra Adams climb to the top!

What’s the takeaway? The creation & everyday execution of ImmaBEAST revolves around the mentality of constantly evolving. When things don’t go as planned, everyone needs to find a way to get back up and finding a way to persevere, both in business and life.

Why did BiPro want to tell Will & Janelle’s story? Because in them we found two individuals that lead their lives with kindness and the desire share their successes and talent with the world. They embody what it means to be bold. #biProBOLD

#sponsored by @biprousa – BiPro BOLD Protein. Learn more about their journey at https://www.biprousa.com/proteams/will-janelle-adams-immabeast – 20% off BSQ_Immabeast20 #beboldbeyou

Choreographed by @janelleginestra @willdabeast_
Directed by: @mattgenesis
DP: @dptaplin
Featuring: @biprousa
Cameos:  @thedanceboy @amari422 @lawrence.carly @elyssacueto @thejalenpreston @dancerlivsimone @sherroddance95 @payyytonackerman @shamorialimae
Location: @immaspace
Apparel: @imma.apparel
@biprousa @collab @btbmgmt