AGDQ Schedule Includes Hades And Super Mario Bros. 35 Speedruns

AGDQ Schedule Includes Hades And Super Mario Bros. 35 Speedruns

Faster than Hermes himself.Awesome Games Done Quick is always a great time of year. This year, of course, it’s a little bit sadder than usual, because the AGDQ staple – a crowd of fans yelling support from behind the speedrunners on stream – won’t be possible, thanks to this pandemic thing going around. Nevertheless, the charity fundraising stream is going ahead, and it’s a jampacked schedule as always.This year’s AGDQ kicked off on Sunday, January 3rd with a sub-45 minute run of Mirror’s Edge, and it only got better from there, with speedruns on the SNES, the N64, and the Game Boy Advance.Read the full article on
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