Ratchet & Clank: Life of Pie animated short available now*

Ratchet & Clank: Life of Pie animated short available now*

An animated short based upon the Ratchet and Clank series called Ratchet & Clank: Life of Pie, has popped up on Canadian streaming service, Clank TV, seemingly complete with the original voice cast.As spotted by our pals at VG24/7, the animated film – which has been made by Mainframe, the team behind the 2016 R&C feature film – released with no prior press fanfare. Most fans only learned of the movie when curious Redditors created a thread about the project.Sadly, you can’t access Crave TV outside of Canada for now without a VPN, but there are dodgy copies on the internet if you’re quick and You know where to Tube things. Read more
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